1. Luke and Leia
2. It's a Trap!
3. Idiot Nerd Girl
4. Jabba the Pug
5. Regret
6. Only Once, You Live
7. Squirrel Sith?
8. Luke & Leia
9. Depression
10. Y U NO?
11. Stormtrooper: What I Really Do
12. Darth Kittius
13. Unemployed Stormtrooper
14. Happy Father's Day
15. Emperor Palpatine
16. Advice Stormtrooper
17. Poetic Vader
18. Oh, George Lucas
19. Chewbacca: What I Really Do
20. Forever Alone Jedi
21. Jabba the Hut
22. Vader Says
23. Boba Fett
24. Princess Laydown
25. Philosoraptor
26. Not Sure If
27. Baby Ewoks
28. One Does Not Simply
29. Jedi Cats
30. Admiral Ackbar
31. Advice Yoda
32. Forever Alone
33. Obi-Wan
34. Idiot Nerd Girl
35. Queen Amidala Swan
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